打開MSYS (Mingw 的 shell 工具),進入cedet-1.0pre4的解壓縮目錄.
make (這邊用我自己的emacs path當例子)
$ make EMACS="C:\emacs-22.3\emacs-22.3\bin\emacs.exe"
.emacs setting
;; Load CEDET
(load-file "~/cedet-VERSION/common/cedet.el")
;; Enabling various SEMANTIC minor modes. See semantic/INSTALL for more ideas.
;; Select one of the following:
;; * This enables the database and idle reparse engines
;; * This enables some tools useful for coding, such as summary mode
;; imenu support, and the semantic navigator
;; * This enables even more coding tools such as the nascent intellisense mode
;; decoration mode, and stickyfunc mode (plus regular code helpers)
;; (semantic-load-enable-guady-code-helpers)
;; * This turns on which-func support (Plus all other code helpers)
;; (semantic-load-enable-excessive-code-helpers)
;; This turns on modes that aid in grammar writing and semantic tool
;; development. It does not enable any other features such as code
;; helpers above.
;; (semantic-load-enable-semantic-debugging-helpers)